Blue stained wood with crimson carnations

Friday, February 1, 2013


Well, it is the first of February and officially one month into the new year (really?!) so I figured it was about time I posted my follow up post on what I decided to resolve for the new year. I never understood why people thought that trying to make yourself change huge things (literally) overnight was a good idea. I am happy to report that my theory on not starting full tilt on January first but easing into it and creating new habits is proving to be true! Over this past month I have periodically checked over the list I was keeping in my little notebook and tried to add in more things and keep myself on track. It's working well and I hope that by the end if the year I'll be able to say that I have something to show for my year and a list to measure some personal growth by. At least I hope so! I'm looking forward to sitting down and looking over things at the end of  the year!

I decided to take inspiration for my list from one I saw on Ree Drummond- Pioneer Woman's blog. (I love that gal!) Here is my list:

  • R- Read and Review- My goal in this one is to do one book a month minimum and post a review of it here.
  • E- Early to bed-  The thing is- when one gets in a habit- even one that you don't even like- it's hard to break! I always plan on going to bed at a decent hour like 11 PM but last year things got really out of hand and I was doing 2, 3, or 4 AM without blinking! This one is working out better than I hoped.
  • S- Swim regularly- This one may take longer to get started then I had hoped. The reason being that the brand new rec center in town is not the old rec center at all. It makes me sad. I have been waiting to go back to swimming until they opened and now that all is said and done the Y is running the place and the fees are obscene. Looking for another place to go now! 
  • O- Organize my days of the week- Are you a person that likes knowing what is going to be happening on a given day? Well, I am. Except that I could never get down just what I wanted to do without breaking my plans! But I need that structure or I'm never going to get anything done! Does any one remember in LHOP Ma Ingles having a set day for each thing/chore that needed to be accomplished? That's what I'm aiming for!
  • L- Laugh more freely (but not so LOUDLY)- My family gives me conflicting messages. One minute they tell me to lighten up, and "oh, come on- that was funny!" The next they are telling me to shush as my laughter and talking have grown above the acceptable level! They confuse me. And remind me that I need to find a middle ground.   
  • U-  Dairy is Unconsumable in the evening (if you don't want to be congested come morning)- I know this sounds like a really odd one, and well, it is. :) (Do you know how hard it is to match an 'U' word with your mental list?) However, since instating it and sticking with it I have been feeling so much better in the sinus department!
  • T- Take time to write (both blogging and other)- This one is a bit obvious and hopefully progressing well as I've been able to do more blogging this month with other things that I've been cutting out. Now to just find to time to cover 'other'...
  • I- I Can't worry about everyone- I wouldn't call myself a worrier. But sometimes I am. And sometimes, more often than not, I can't help but worrying. The good news is that I don't worry about things, the bad news is that I worry about people. Which I think is probably worse. Somewhere I've got to find the right side of the line between 'acceptable concern about family, friends, and morons of my aquaintance' and 'my give a darn's busted'.  
  • O- Others can't tell your story- Scrapbook- I adore scrapbooking! Really, I do! Thing is that I have let other 'life' things get in the way of enjoying and documenting how I do spend my time. It is important to me to leave that record for my descendants, I don't want for them to have to guess about who I was or how important different things were or were not to me.  
  • N- News is to be shared- but not my me- Coming to this one really makes me itch. You see it reveals one of my worse traits. ...Hi, my name is Hannah and I'm a blabber. (Hi, Hannah.)  I don't mean to be a big fat blabity-blabber but I love news and I love sharing it, and I love spreading it and before I know it I've ruined someone else's big announcement or spilled the beans on something important. (To clarify, I don't do this in a gossiping or malicious way- I'm just incurably excited!)  A while back I was teaching the BL girls on Humility and was convicted that in this case this problem is rooted in the lack of that quality. So...I'm learning to bite my tongue. Heaven help me!
  • S- Study Scripture (outside BSF)- This one is both an easy one and a hard one. I love to study scripture but all to often I find myself ending up echoing Tevia's lament and saying Oh, "If I was a rich man"! This year, though, I want to be 'training' in a different way than just keeping up with my BSF lesson. I want to be going the extra mile and trust that it will prove beneficial at a later date. I have several devotional/study/theology books and I am going to start working to incorporate reading those on a daily basis.
So that's the list. Maybe it's too long or complicated or ...something. But it is what it is- and it is my goals for this year.
What did you end up resolving for the new year? What are your goals and hope-to-change things for 2013?



  1. Hannah,

    It is great to have a list of goals. I am always making little lists of what i would like to accomplish in the next week, month and year! : ) It can be a little overwhelming at times, but making a list does help put things in perspective.


  2. Perspective is a great word for it- and, I think for this year too! It's great to be able to look at things from a wider view!


Give me a piece of your mind! ...Really, it makes my day!