Blue stained wood with crimson carnations

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Just a mild slacker...

Hello everyone! Just wanted to let y'all know that I am still alive! I know I have slacked off here out of the blue and not been keeping up with my regularly scheduled postings but the last few weeks I have been forced to participate in real life! ;) I hope to be back this week though and I am working on a real corker of an article for Foodie Friday (just to whet your appetite!), and I am almost finished with my Monday Meme questions and I'm going to have to think up something else fun to do soon! Anyone have any ideas? Maybe an open question post?
Also, the Republican Convention is this week and I know I'll be glued to it so I will likely be posting some thoughts on the speakers/speeches and on the new platform too!

So ya, not dead, working, I'll be back....

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