Blue stained wood with crimson carnations

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Western GOP Debate

If you know know me at all you probably know that I am a passionate political observer. Day to day I keep abreast on local, national and world politics and I enjoy giving my opinion (through Biblical worldview glasses) on just about any story you come across- just ask me and you'll make my day!

With the 2012 presidential race heating up and the GOP candidates debating on a regular basis I thought it would be helpful to have a record of sorts on what was discussed and what I thought of each persons performance and the substance of their message. I will be 'live blogging' tonight and for each of the successive debates to follow. I hope that this process is helpful to you too as you put your brain in gear and bow your heart in prayer. This is possibly the most important election of out time and how you vote in it matters, take the time now to get to know your choices!

I will assume that you are familure with who is running and with that assumption in mind I am going to be using abbreviations for each of the candidates names. If you have questions about how I have abbreviated something just ask... :)

Here we go!

8:05- Starting the debate out right: with the singing of the National Anthem! Wow, great voice! Very apt for someone playing the role of "The Phantom"
:10- Some interesting intros out of the candidates...
:13 HC makes a good point- Wash. does not want to throw out the current tax code because they want to be able to manipulate the current loopholes.
:23 MB says she too wants to abolish the tax code but replace it with something different then 999. Also, she makes the point that BO has made a total shambles of our economy.
:25 RPerry touts the benefits of utilizing out natural resources and gaining energy independence. -This is the strongest sounding I have ever heard him, someone must have been coaching him!
:27- RS goes after MR! Finally! Someone has called him on how his health care plan was the basis for implementation of Obamacare. --However, not letting go like a bulldog and snarling is not conducive to making you look good!
:34- MB gets in the point that last Friday the Administration shut down the long term funding for OBCare because it can't be funded- says: if even they 'want' it shut down then we will be glad to do just that!
:38- RonP makes some good points on what changes do need to be made to healthcare to make it work for real people and doctors
:40- HC says there is nothing he would keep from OBC but suggests we start with HR 3400. --I'll have to check that out and see what it is.
:42- RPerry and MR get into it again! and --really-- whatever RP said it is not cool to put your hands on another candidate!! Don't be so condescending!
:45- HC on the border- electrified fence?! Haha! Well that may be a bit much- but- he does advocate a total fence and that we have the proper tech and troops to enforce it. -Good on ya!
:47- RPerry I'll ask you sir- Why would it take 10-15 years to build a fence? Isn't this America? Also, why do you support benefits for illegals?!
:48 MB also supports a total fence and making English our official language! Yay!
:51- Wow! MR keeps going after RPerry- and in turn RP goes back after him-- tonight the crowd is not liking it- if I was there I think I'd be booing too! Sick of their playground tit-for-tat.
:56- Okay, so RPerry is disintegrating, again, refuses to answer Q given (about 'anchor babies' and the 14th amendment) - says 'you get to ask the Q I get to answer them the way I want to'! Well!
:58- RS points out that family, faith, marriage is our core, the basic building block of society is families-eroding religious freedom and traditional family only hurts everyone crushing the family is not the answer- I will stand up for them. ---Man I love that guy when he gets talking on the family, he is always right and always totally pro-family, marriage and life!
9:03- Nuclear waste repository? - not a topic I know much about...
:08 Does the Government have a role to keep people in their homes? NO! MB- says OB has failed on the issue of economy but I will not fail you, I will build jobs.
:09 HC- BIG props for not backing down on what he has previously said about the Wall ST protesters! It's not Wall ST's fault it is BO's.
:13- MR goes after BO!
:19- Well the Mormon Q comes and gets big boos- ??-  RS- says what we need to look at a person's morals, how a person views salvation is up to him. (meh.)  NGing.- says that religion is very important, we are a nation endowed by our creator, how can someone trust a person who says that they are religious and that it doesn't affect their decisions? The point of faith is that it changes you. ---Overall the group of them still dance around Mormonism being a cult and whether it is ok for people to be chosen or not chosen based on their 'brand' of faith.
:26- MB makes the point that we are so disrespected that foreign nations would plot to assassinations on our soil- she's right!
:28 NG- says to propose that defence spending is up for cuts is suicidally wrong.
:31- RS- the first duty of the federal government is to protect us- we cannot cut defence spending. Also, points out that the assassination plot was to take out the head of the Middle Eastern world and the head of the Western world- sending the message that they want to be the entire world's superpower. --RS is entirely right, he is the one person on the stage that comprehends and understands the mid-east issue and all of it's complexities. --I would also add to his points that the ambassador from Israel was also included in that plot- if you draw conclusion A and B then you also need to apply that to C as you look to Israel's importance in the world and from Scripture.
:33- RPerry advocates defunding the UN. -Good! MR- We are spending more on foreign aid then we should.
:36- RPaul- It is not in the Constitution to take money from you and give it to people around the world. He has also just advocated removing financial support to Israel!
MB- advocates liberated nations (Iraq, Lybia) repaying part of what we put out on them, also, says we have an absolute policy that we don't negotiate with terrorests and we cannot release Gitmo prisoners. HC- repeats the same and advocates 'peace through strength and clarity'- determining who are our friends and who are our enemies and defunding our enemies! --Right on!!
:44- Electability- interesting question, "Who can beat BO?"- RS makes the point that it is a Conservative candidate that will win for us (he makes the case that is him). It is an interesting Q from the lib media- are they feeling out GOP the feild? Wondering who might overtake the 'leaders' in the race.
:51- NG puts forth the idea that should he be the nominee he would challenge Obama to 7 three hour Lincoln- Douglas style debates!! --Wow! --Actually, I think most of the candidates on stage could do that and hold their own against Obama!
--Okay so I just looked up the Lincoln-Douglas debates and here's the skinny:
"The format for each debate was: one candidate spoke for 60 minutes, then the other candidate spoke for 90 minutes, and then the first candidate was allowed a 30-minute "rejoinder." The candidates alternated speaking first."
Again, Wow! So here's the question of the hour: Who do you think could best Obama in a Lincoln-Douglas style debate?
And, for a second question, who do you think 'won'/did best in the debate tonight?

1 comment:

  1. As to who could engage the Big O in a three hour debate, Id'd say hands down Mr. Newt. He's been doing his homework, and ever the historian and politician understands his platform as well as the Marxist O's. I think any of them could take a run at it but think Ron Paul would wig everyone out with some of his way out of the mainstream positions the longer he went, I think he'd be the least sucessful. Herman Cain believes in what he is saying and knows his position on solutions well and could also compete. Michele's voice might wear on you after an hour, Romney might run out of things to say, Perry might actually improve his performance in this setting where he can lay out his position and defend his ideas without a tit-for-tat with Romney. Huntsman forgot about him...nope not in the running. Format for these public displays have to change. Time to get people who can ask the right questions of the candidates instead of the current liberal talking points or sound bite bait.


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